
Application Process

The application and guide packet is available online only from the link below. You may email, drop off, or mail your application. Please do not call for the status of your application. You will be notified if you are invited to the next phase.
Note that while the information on this page appears specific to Volunteer Applicants, the same information and criteria applies to those applying for any open paid staff position.
The application process includes:
– Application Submission and Review
– Invitation to Written Entry Exam and Oral Boards
– Written Entry Exam and Oral Boards
– Invitation to Physical Agility Test and Drug Screening
– Physical Agility Test and Drug Screening
– EMS Skills Assessment (EMS Division Applicants)
– Offer of Probationary Status and Invitation to the Academy or EMS Division (EMS only Applicants)
We require that all applicants submit with their application:
– Current copy of Motor Vehicle Record
– Fitness for Duty Form
– Hepatitis B vaccination record and other immunizations
– Copy of current Driver’s License, state-issued identification card, or passport

Lateral Applicants


While we feel strongly that the Academy is a place where not only education in the fire service occurs, but trust, a sense of family, and life-long relationships are formed amongst Recruits, we may accept staff as “lateral applicants” on a case-by-case basis. Lateral applications are generally accepted with a minimum of three (3) continuous years of paid or volunteer service within the last five (5) years and Colorado or CMCB Firefighter I certification or Professional Board certification.

Physical Agility Assessment

A Physical Agility Assessment is a physical course designed to gauge your body’s ability to withstand the rigors of the duties that may be required in the fire service.
In effect, the Sable Physical Agility Test (S/PAT) is a rigorous physical exercise that simulates many activities of the fire ground. It is a timed exercise, although speed is not the primary concern. Your commitment and resolve will be one of the main focuses.
You should come prepared to engage in an intense physical activity. It is highly suggested that you stretch out prior to participation.
Appropriate attire in the form of shorts, t-shirt, and sneaker-type shoes are recommended. We also recommend bringing something to drink.
A detailed description of the Sable Physical Agility Test can be found in the S.A.F.R. Application and Guide packet.