Board of Directors

The Directors of the Sable Altura Fire Protection District Board of Directors are the women and men who are our neighbors in our very communities, who have sworn to oversee the Fire and Emergency Medical protection and services for the District.  They are committed to providing the resources, equipment, and personnel to the department in order to provide the best service possible.

Directors are elected to alternating two-year, and four-year terms.


The Directors are assisted in their work by their associates and the Fire Chief, who is hired and appointed by the Board directly.

SAFPD Board of Directors

Rich AhrenkielPresidentTerm Expires 05/2027
Dan StrangeSecretaryTerm Expires 05/2027
Terie RobinsonSecretaryTerm Expires 05/2025
Kristi ZehrSecretaryTerm Expires 05/2025
Lynette RossSecretaryTerm Expires 05/2027

Board Associates

Rich SolomonFire Chief
Hope WilliamsDistrict Office Manager
Emily PowellAttorney
Michelle FergusonAttorney
Dino RossAttorney